Everyone could use a laugh or a smile sometimes, whether it’s to cheer up, or just to re-energize you while working on a project. And nothing can help make you laugh and smile like an amusing and interesting desktop wallpaper.
We’ve gathered up 30 funny, cool and amusing 3D wallpapers from a variety of digital artists that will be sure to make you smile. From cute animals, to parodies of various films and concepts, these wallpapers are a great way to smile during your day.
Each wallpaper is linked to where you can download the various sizes! Thanks for reading.

Hard Boiled Scrambler by `DivineError

Africa by evilhomer145

When will my turn come? by tonare

An Uncomfortable Situation by MrStuntman

Bombing for Peace by suckup

Transformation by UNKWinc

The Monday Morning Wallpaper by emciem

Jark in a Jar by DivineError

Cubescape Hills by love1008

SuperNWP by pixelbuddeh

Sunset by nicobou

Bubbleworld by nicobou

Sphere Series IX by xxtjxx

A Corkboard Retrospective by smashmethod

Valentinka08 by iuneWind

Gecko by nicobou

Bad Rooster by teocava

SoQuid by tonare

A Muse by DivineError

Loco Roco by Kheng

Ram by nicobou

The Opiated Wallpaper by emciem

Pelican by Nicobou

Stereo by UNKWinc

iRobot by rawart

The Screamy Wallpaper by emciem

The Pinksplosion Wallpaper by emciem

Higher Wallpaper by DivineError

Charming Prince by Nicobou

7 Deadly Sins Wallpaper by pushok-12