These days everybody seems to be fashion models. Half of my friends on facebook are (pseudo)models. First of all I don´t understand fashion so I'm not the one to talk, but seriously what are these models about? Get skinny for the next zombie parade? Or so you can get into your litle daughter dress? WTH? I got chills right now. 

Talking about getting skinny I'm talking about anorexia, a disease that for some obviously stupid reason became a fashion trend and is killing people like a motherfucker. This shit is serious business. No kidding. I guess some people think it is cool to die from starvation. Hungry, please. Just some people with hight fashion level.

I'm just gonna tell this: To all the fashion analisers that are analysing my clothes and body, you are doing a wonderfull job keeping our world safe from people who dress normaly, according to their paycheck and own taste, and eat to live. Thank you. This is just one of the many messages I would like the celebrities to pass on. Well, maybe in a perfect world, where people will know that wearing sun glasses at ninght is a fucktard thing to do.

And specially for the kids (that I hope arent here):

via: koreus

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